Effective advertising for a beauty studio

It’s not enough to just create a page telling potential customers about your services – it needs to be raised to the top positions of the search results, that you have been seen, learned about the masters and prices. Therefore, services to promote a beauty salon are essential!


Of course, there is advertising, both on the Internet and offline. But short slogans and promises are no longer enough for people. They want to know the details. Therefore, advertising should lead to your site. But what influences the choice of the final “buyer of the service”?

  • The popularity of the salon and the reliability of reviews left by visitors. Therefore, to promote this type of resource, work has to be done, taking into account both the principles of SEO and reputation factors.
  • The second point: in addition to creative advertising, a beauty salon needs interesting, regularly updated content.

As you know, the profit of a beauty salon directly depends on the client base. Even those salons that have successfully existed in the beauty market for many years should invest in marketing – experienced owners note that the tastes of the public are constantly changing, and even with a large number of regular customers, it is necessary to continue to work on attracting new and retaining old visitors. Ignoring the need to promote a salon, even famous brands run the risk of going bankrupt.

The newcomers face an even more difficult task – they need to attract the maximum number of clients, satisfy their needs, make them come back, and recommend the studio to their friends and acquaintances – this is perhaps the most important point.


The site is the most important part of an advertising campaign. You shouldn’t save money on its creation and promotion – hire a team of specialists, and entrust them with the creation of design, interface, publication of all types of materials. Remember, the consumer is already tired of the stereotypically cold publications on such resources, perhaps it makes sense to dilute information about the salon with interesting and useful advice on personal care, photos of work already done, etc. The possibility of online booking will also be a huge plus – it is much more convenient than visiting a salon or calling there.

Groups in social networks

Paradoxically, groups and accounts on such social networks as Instagram and VKontakte will help you even more than a website. Currently, more than 80% of young people remain active users of social networks, while middle-aged people are also actively involved in them. One of the main advantages of social networks as advertising platforms is that you get the opportunity to a) communicate with clients directly, b) conduct surveys, find out their opinion about the salon and the services provided, c) demonstrate the results of the work of your masters by publishing photographs “before and after”.

Don’t forget about offline advertising

  • Business cards

Hand out business cards to your customers – they will serve as an actual reminder of your salon. You can also introduce discounts or bonuses for business card holders, thereby you may attract not only old, but also new customers from among the friends and acquaintances of your visitors.

  • Participation in exhibitions

In large cities, exhibitions, competitions, and show events dedicated to beauty and personal care are regularly held. Participation in them will not only attract new clients but will also show old visitors that they are visiting a serious studio interested in progress. Plus, you will have additional photo materials for publication on the website and social networks.

  • Nice bonuses

In some salons, the client is served free tea or coffee, there is a TV or magazines – everything to make the visitor feel comfortable during the procedure. Such bonuses will be an additional plus for a beauty studio.

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